121 Community Church 662 items
1st Methodist Bedford 13 items
4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry 478 items
6 Stones 2566 items
Abandoned Animal Alliance 48 items
ABBAS House Haltom 1 items
Abiding Grace Lutheran 141 items
ADRA Adventist 46 items
After8ToEducate Dallas 72 items
Aicardi Syndrome Foundation 2 items
AIDS Outreach Center FW 44 items
All About the Dress 1128 items
Alliance for Children 179 items
Alzheimers Assn NTX 952 items
American Assoc of University Women 834 items
American Cancer Soc 945 items
American Diabetes Assn 19 items
American Heart Assoc. 230 items
American Library Fnd. 1 items
American Migraine Assn 7 items
American Red Cross 18 items
American School Counselor Assc. 1 items
Amiras House 25 items
AMVH 4 items
Angels' Attic Upscale Resale-Mission of White's Chapel Methodist Church0 items
Animal Charity Evaluators 150 items
Answer International 31 items
APFF Charitable Fund 2 items
Apollo Support Rescue 331 items
Arlington Life Shelter 8 items
Artisan Center Theater 9 items
Arts DFW 47 items
ArtsNET 28 items
ASPCA 96 items
ATMN (All Things Made New) 799 items
Austin Street Center0 items
Autism Adventures 28 items
Autism Research Institute 172 items
Autism Speaks 297 items
Autistic Self Advocacy Network 11 items
Awareness Project 17143 items
Azle Texas Animal Shelter 14 items
B. Restoration Is Attainable 23 items
Baptist Benevolent Ministries of Irving 34 items
Battered Womens 5170 items
BCFAAA 30 items
Beacon Church 107 items
Beagle Freedom 2 items
Beautiful Feet Ministries 7 items
Bedford Animal Services 465 items
Bedford CPAAAssoc. 17 items
Bedford Heights Elementary 21 items
Bedford Police Department 175 items
Bellair Elementary School 4 items
Bethal Church FTW 19 items
Blue Family Fund 185 items
Bowery Residents' Committee (BRC) 4 items
Boys and Girls Club 23 items
Breast Cancer Research Foundation 562 items
BridgesWork 15 items
Buckner International0 items
Buddies Place Cat Rescue 123 items
BVB International Academy 17 items
Calvary Life Keller0 items
Calvary Lutheran 45 items
CARE 31 items
CASA TC 1480 items
Casual Cat Charities 170 items
Catholic Daughters #2755 429 items
Cause for Paws 67 items
CEC NRH 293 items
Cedar Hall Classical Academy 557 items
Center For Animal Research & Education (C.A.R.E.) 179 items
Center for ASD 38 items
Center for Plant Conserv. 48 items
Center for Reproductive Rights 221 items
Center for Transforming Arts 1 items
Central Arts 431 items
Central Baptist Church 2617 items
Central Storehouse 449 items
Cervical Cancer Research 126 items
CFTL FW 3 items
Charity Water 68 items
Chase Foundation 1 items
Children's Medical Center Dallas 201 items
Childrens Advocacy Center NTX 302 items
Childrens Cancer Fund 192 items
Childrens Hearing Institute 3 items
Childrens Network 64 items
Childs Play 63 items
Christ Lutheran 2 items
Christ Pentecostal Church 43 items
Christ Wesleyan Church 633 items
Christian Charity 1 items
Christian Relief Amarillo 50 items
Christmas Providers 51 items
Christs Haven 1333 items
Church at Benbrook 16 items
Church at Pecan Creek 178 items
City Central 6 items
City of Hope 24 items
City on a Hill Church 1 items
Classy Cats 18 items
Club Special Needs 109 items
Coalition HL Vets 24 items
Coalition to Combat HT TX 219 items
Community Food Bank 1 items
Community Hospice TX 420 items
Compass Christian Church 55 items
Cook Childrens 659 items
Cornerstone Co-Op Preschool 1975 items
CPR Companion Pet Rescue 398 items
Cross City Church 66 items
CURE Childhood Cancer 2452 items
Cystic Fibrosis Fnd 30 items
Dallas Bird Sanctuary 13 items
Dallas Dog Rescue 14 items
DCFC 77 items
Dementia Society of America Research 43 items
Dental Health Arlington 19 items
Denton Animal Shelter 757 items
Denton Animal Support Fdn. 579 items
Denton County Friends of the Family 908 items
Denton Explorium Kids Museum 29 items
Denton Freedom House 194 items
Denton HS Theatre Club 17 items
Denton Parks Foundation 11 items
Denton Presbyterian Church 34 items
DFW Daschund Rescue 208 items
Diabetes Research Foundation 127 items
Doberman Rescue North TX 1 items
Doctors Without Borders 322 items
Dog Ranch Rescue 154 items
Donna Park Elem 34 items
Donna Park Elem PTA 404 items
Dont Forget to Feed 7228 items
Eagles View Church Saginaw 9 items
East Texas Tornado Victims 8 items
Embrace Grace 284 items
Epilepsy Foundation 40 items
Equality Texas 29 items
Euless Animal Shelter 130 items
Euless Nazarene 357 items
Evergreen Life Services0 items
Extra Life 24 items
Faith Christian School 14 items
Families Feeding Families 532 items
Families to Freedom 55 items
Family Equality Council0 items
Feed the Children 25 items
Feeding America 10 items
Final Salute Inc 49 items
Finn's Place 24 items
First Assembly of God DFW 38 items
First Baptist Church of Lewisville 36 items
First Baptist of Hurst 52 items
First Denton Church 58 items
Footsteps 208 items
fort worth police department 99 items
Foster Village Elementary 54 items
Foundation for Women's Cancer 30 items
Foundation for Womens Cancer 28 items
Friends of HCPL 394 items
Friends of NRH Library 126 items
Friends With Benefits - Denton 65 items
Front and Center 1 items
Front Steps Austin 3 items
Ft Worth Animal Alliance 65 items
Ft Worth Animal Shelter 20 items
Ft Worth Christian School 3 items
Ft Worth Diocese 1 items
Ft Worth Zoo 481 items
Ft. Worth Teen Challenge 2 items
FUMC Project HELP 171 items
Funky Town Fridge 5 items
Future Hope and Healing 1681 items
Fuzzy Texan Animal Rescue 6 items
FW Catholic Charities 1310 items
G_Animals 57 items
G_Cancer Research 2 items
G_Children 40 items
G_Food Bank 1 items
G_Veterans 10 items
G_Womens Shelter 53 items
Gala NTX 28 items
Gatehouse GV 81 items
Gateway Church - North FW Campus 5 items
Genesis Shelter 62 items
Gentle Touch Health Arlington 1 items
Getsemani Baptist 30 items
Gideons 16 items
Girls Inc 15 items
Giving Grace 149 items
Giving Hope Inc. 124 items
Goals For Bowls 444 items
Good Girls Agency 93 items
Gospel Harvesters 27 items
Grace at Grapevine 16 items
Grace Comm. Fellowship 59 items
Grace For Eternity Church 428 items
Grambling GUNNA FT 37 items
Greenhouse Arlington AA 93 items
Habitat for Humanity 104 items
Haiti Disaster Relief 4 items
Halls 7 items
Haltom Animal Services 11 items
Hands of Hope 3 items
Harrison Lane Elementary 1222 items
Heart to Heart Hospice 7 items
HEB ISD PTA Assn 13091 items
Helping Hands Dallas 4 items
Helping Hands Haltom 3 items
Highway Hounds 2306 items
Holiday Heights PTA0 items
Hope Center for Autism 245 items
Hope Kids NTX 61 items
Hope Pregnancy Center 43 items
Horses for Heroes 83 items
HRC Human Rights 30 items
Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) 551 items
Hurst Animal Services 1487 items
Hurst Police Department 6 items
I Can Still Shine 107 items
IFCJ 153 items
Innocence Project0 items
Interfaith Ministries of Denton0 items
Interstitial Cystitis Association 9 items
Irving Animal Services 1004 items
Irving Chorale 2 items
ISPCA 2 items
Journey Church in Colleyville 30 items
Joyful Moments 1055 items
Junior Diabetes Research Foundation 272 items
Justice Reform Foundation 32 items
Keller Youth Association 261 items
Kidney Cancer Assn 3 items
Kids Beach Club 2 items
Kool Cats 50 items
KUZU Community Radio 2 items
Lakota Peoples Law Project 2 items
LD Bell HS Band 3 items
LD Bell HS Cheer 149 items
LD Bell HS Choir 987 items
LD Bell HS Raiderettes 11 items
LD Bell HS Softball 23 items
LD Bell Special Education 69 items
Legacy Baptist Church 27 items
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society 67 items
Leukemia Lymphoma Society 18 items
LGBTQ Resource Center 363 items
LGBTQ Saves 521 items
LGBTQ+ Education 55 items
Liberty House Veterans 2 items
Life Fellowship Church 10 items
Light of Life International 5 items
Living Hope Equine Therapy 172 items
Lone Star Chorus 2205 items
Lone Star Dog Park 215 items
Lone Survivor Foundation 46 items
Lost & Found 7095 items
Lost and Found 4406 items
Love Love 112 items
Lovepacs 32 items
Maharjan Orphanage Foundation 10 items
Make-a-Wish Fnd 66 items
Mansfield ISD 56 items
Maricats Paw Pals 112 items
Martin Methodist 19 items
MBS Catholic Church 12 items
MC Animal Rescue 36 items
MC Community Cats 3188 items
MC Food Bank 1 items
MC Pacesetters Rotary Club 80 items
MC Womens Clinic 2884 items
MC Womens Shelter 69 items
MCPW Football & Cheer Assoc. 6 items
MD Anderson Cancer Res. 762 items
Meadow Creek Baptist 971 items
Meals on Wheels 308 items
Med City Foundation0 items
Medal Creek Baptist 49 items
Mercury One - The Nazarene Fund 189 items
Mercy House 27 items
Metroplex Women’s Clinic 1 items
Mid-Cities Church 824 items
Midwest Food Bank 148 items
Miles for Migrants 55 items
Mission Arlington 23 items
Mission Bedford 61 items
Mission Central 1061 items
Missionaries Charity 5 items
MS Focus 65 items
Muscular Dystrophy Assoc 10 items
My Donation House 687 items
NAACP Legal Defense Fund 25 items
NAMI Texas 680 items
NARAL Pro Choice America 2631 items
Nate Abel Flying Club0 items
National Breast Cancer Fdn 82 items
National Coalition for Homeless Vets 427 items
National MS Society 66 items
National Park Fdn. 5 items
Natl Kidney Fnd. 52 items
Navy Veterans 18 items
NE Arts Council 3 items
NE Tarrant Alliance 97 items
NE Tarrant Lions Club 388 items
Need East 546 items
NETC A&M Club 29 items
Neuro Fitness Foundation 12 items
New Connections 19 items
New Leaf 258 items
New Life Assembly0 items
Next Gen 12 items
Ninja Paws Rescue 60 items
No Kid Hungry 81 items
North Euless Elementary 63 items
North Texas Mutual Aid 6 items
North Texas Pride Foundation0 items
Northpoint Baptist Church 10 items
Northwood Bapt Revive 1 items
NRH Animal Rescue Ctr 153 items
NRH Baptist Church 12 items
NRH Library 33 items
NRH Womens Fnd 78 items
NTX Boxer Rescue 66 items
NTX Charities 104 items
NTX Food Bank 35 items
NTX Multiple Sclerosis Society 84 items
NTX Reading Partners 26 items
NTX Rodeo Foundation 15 items
NVF Lifeline For Vets 779 items
OCD Texas 9 items
One Safe Place 2 items
One Tribe Foundation (22Kill) 955 items
Only One 1 items
Opening Doors 4 Women in Need 82 items
Operation Homefront 21 items
Operation Kindness 92 items
Our Daily Bread Denton Shelter 395 items
Out of the Closet 68 items
Paralyzed Veterans 314 items
Parkinsons Foundation 267 items
Passport for Paws 3184 items
Patriot Paws 382 items
Peller 2 items
Pink Souls In Motion 1 items
Pipeline Church FB 5 items
Pipeline Church Food Bank 360 items
Pipeline Soul Food Pantry 15 items
Planned Parenthood 1109 items
Pre-Born Ministry 202 items
Precious Jewels Ministries 29 items
Precious Memories 2 items
Presbyterian Night Shelter 28 items
Price Kids Keller 44 items
Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation 24 items
Rainbow Railroad 378 items
Refuge for Women North Texas 84 items
Rescue Hill NCMC 119 items
Rhome Comm. Library 11 items
Road Trip 4 Paws 12 items
Roanoke Food Pantry 5453 items
Roger Wildlife Bird Fnd. 7 items
Ronald McDonald House 9 items
Runway Theatre 6 items
Safehaven Tarrant 5304 items
Salvation Army 200 items
Salvation Army - Angel Tree 3 items
Samaritans Purse 47 items
San Antonio Amputee Fnd0 items
Save Barton Creek Assn 31 items
Saving Hope Rescue 22 items
Scottish Rite 38 items
See It Through 30 items
Semper Fi Fund 174 items
Serving Our Seniors (MC Care Corp) 431 items
Shabbat Date Inc 25 items
Shadow Ranch 119 items
Shadow Ranch Hippa Thearpy 32 items
Shady Brook Elem 8 items
Shady Grove Baptist 3349 items
Shady Grove Baptist - WOM 34 items
Shady Grove Elementary 27 items
Shady Oaks Baptist Church 140 items
Shady Oaks Elem 16 items
Shilling Foundation 5407 items
Shriners 67 items
Sickle Cell Disease Fnd 61 items
Sisters by Heart 8 items
Smithfield Middle School 6 items
Soul Tea Foundation 271 items
South Texas Pregnancy Care Center (STPCC) 25 items
SPCA of Texas 1462 items
Special Olympics 32 items
Spiral Road Alliance 152 items
St Apostle School 47 items
St Vincents Cathedral 3 items
St. Andrew Lutheran Church 194 items
St. Andrew Luthern Church 1 items
St. John Paul II Catholic Church 155 items
St. Johns NRH Food Bank 3322 items
St. Jude 2533 items
St. Marys Catholic 10 items
St. Michaels CC 162 items
St. Paul Lutheran FW 52 items
St. Phillips Presbytarian 159 items
Stepping Stones Fdn Keller 789 items
Stonegate Elementary 648 items
STOP - See Annaliese 4 items
Stray Evolution 10 items
Susan G Komen TC 127 items
Sweet Pea Foundation 25 items
Tabernacle Baptist Church Arlington 217 items
Taps N Tunes Productions 133 items
Tarrant Area Food Bank 1647 items
Tarrant County Addiction Recovery Help Center 53 items
Tarrant County College 8 items
Tarrant County Homeless Coalition 935 items
Taste Project 132 items
TC Animal Clinic 11 items
test Dev Charity 3 items
Texans On Mission (Texas Baptist Men) 16 items
Texas Alliance for Life 18 items
Texas Equal Access Fund 37 items
Texas Kidney Health 2 items
Texas Pilots TBI 40 items
TexasBIA 7 items
TFG Charitable Supply 18847 items
The Bedford Center YMCA 80 items
The DAWG Project 25 items
The Family Place 82 items
The Global Coral Reef Alliance 50 items
The Happy Pet Project 29 items
The Net Fort Worth 77 items
The WARM Place 105 items
The Workshop 42 items
Tiger Creek Animal Sanc. 15 items
Toe to Toe 219 items
Trans Pride Initiative 32 items
Trans Youth 17 items
Transgender Law Center 19 items
Treetops School International 486 items
Trevor Project 2051 items
Trinity babtist 2 items
Trinity GAP Rescue 2340 items
Trinity Harvest 2 items
Trinity High School Band 35 items
Trinity High School PTA 195 items
Trinity Hope 1 items
Trinity Lake Elem Visual Arts Dept 89 items
Trinity Point Church 2520 items
Trinity Trojan Football Booster Club 21 items
Tunnel to Towers Fdn. 11 items
Twice Blessed 4 items
TWLOHA 16 items
TX Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP) 108 items
UGM Tarrant County 368 items
Ultimate Pulmonary Wellness 9 items
UNICEF 36 items
United Way Denton 37 items
Veterans Administration 154 items
Veterans Outreach 816 items
Victory Ministries Ft. Worth 6 items
Victory Temple Ministries 8 items
Watermark Ft.Worth 141 items
WatersEdge Ministries 8 items
Way of Life Church 84 items
Welman Project 946 items
Westside Animal Clinic 301 items
When We Love 152 items
Wildlife Conservation Society 10 items
Wings of Rescue 83 items
Woodland Heights Baptist0 items
Workshop Counseling 3 items
World Vision International 676 items
World Wildlife Fund 6 items
Worthy Co FW 13 items
Wounded Warriors 141 items
WTW Pregnancy Resource 93 items
Young Life 52 items